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Self-service lottery printer

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The self-service lottery printer includes a self-service lottery printer body, a computer, an operator-oriented display, an input device, a modem, a cash register device, a lottery printer and a security authentication module; an ordinary lottery purchaser can use the vending machine to purchase a lottery ticket, Reduce the issuance cost of lottery; it can be set in public places, the establishment of lottery distribution network is not subject to other factors; real-time delivery of current lottery sales data, so that the current lottery lottery time and release deadline interval greatly reduced; Manual collection of cash, simplifying the process, saving manpower. The following are the same as the "

The self-service lottery printer is characterized by:
1, self-service lottery sales machine ontology;
2, the installation of fixed in the self-help lottery sales machine in the body of the computer;
3, through the computer's standard display interface with the computer connected to the display, the display of the display exposed to the self-service lottery sales machine on the side of the operator;
4, an input device connected to the computer standard standard communication interface;
5, one or more and connected to the computer standard standard communication interface of the modem;
6, one or more cash register devices connected to the computer standard communication interface, the cash register of the cash register being exposed to the side of the operator of the self-service lottery vending machine;
7. A lottery printer connected to the computer print interface, the ticket gate of the lottery printer being exposed to the side of the operator of the self-
8, a security authentication module connected to the computer standard bus interface.

Self-service lottery printer main function:
1, which can be sold at the same time 9 open lottery tickets, each lottery up to 400-2000 tickets;
2, cash payment and change;
3, remote monitoring and background management system;
4, multimedia advertising player
5, to achieve the time switch machine;
6, to achieve remote upgrade;
7, equipment accident power off transaction protection function;
8, self-help lottery printer to buy color operation voice prompts;
9, can achieve the cash cash prize;
10, the transaction data automatically upload;
11, self-help lottery printer automatically update the ticket type;
12, local ticket management;
13, computer ticket printing (optional);
14, discount coupons and other value-added services to print (optional)

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